Kismet Dark Circus

With Halloween fast approaching, Nick, Kimberley and the amazing team at Kismet put on an incredible Dark Circus evening sponsored by Strange Nature Gin.

Seeing so many people dressed up and having a great time was wonderful.

Strange Nature based gin cocktails included the likes of Bearded Lady, Stranger Things, and Plague Doctors Reviver kept everybody buzzing. While performances from the likes of the dancers from Finesse Entertainment, the kings of gipsy swing Django Schmango, Jane & Francis with some rip-roaring tunes, the very, very tall Rachel, the very funny, witty and outrageous Jasmine Tease & Pinkie Delicious from Nelson Showgirl Academy. Unfortunately, I missed Karl the fire eating, next time Karl.

The available light in Kismet is always a challenge, and I didn't want to keep popping off the flash in people’s faces. I had to shoot wide open and with the ISO cranked up, giving a grainy film-like feel to these images.

Hopefully, these images will give you a feel of what a fantastic evening it was. Keep an eye out for the next one because you won’t want to miss it.

Please feel free to share this page with anybody you know who was there, even those who weren't.

Click here to take you to a page where you download the images at a resolution of your choice. If you do use the images at all, ie social media, I would love it if you could credit Wise Dog Studios and maybe even a link back to this website. Email me for the PIN you need for downloads


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